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时间:2023-03-20 分类:每天十句英语 来源:试卷网|故事网|作文网 0条评论
Dear President,
I am Li ming, a college student of our university. I am writing this letter to submit some suggestions about the problems of our canteen which ①leads ②to so many students complain about.
First of all, the distance between canteen and library is so far. It causes inconvenience for those who ③like study in library ④all one day. Second, food security in the build is very suspectable. People in ⑤many ⑥mount have always found ⑦fair and others in their ⑧foods when they were having a meal. Third, the ⑨sense of food is inedible and the price ⑩of one is expensive.
All in all, I hope you will find my recommendations useful to improve life quality of students. Thank you for hearing my suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
Li ming
②导致:“lead to doing; lead sb. to do”,所以这里改为“lead many students to complain about”
③like to study 想要学习在图书馆;like studying 喜欢在图书馆学习
④一整天:all day long
⑥此处表示不少人,应用“数量 amount“
⑦ 食物中会发现“头发hair”,而非“fair”
⑧ food是不可数名词,不用加s
⑨ 食物的味道用“flavor”,“sense”是感觉
⑩去掉“of one”

小编推荐: 新概念英语第四册第12课:Banks and their customers 2016考研英语写作:三招搞定写作短板 美文串记考研英语词汇:第36课 环境问题