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梅西亲属开的超市遭枪手袭击 自己也收到威胁信

时间:2023-03-07 分类:每天十句英语 来源:试卷网|故事网|作文网 0条评论

Gunmen left a threatening letter for Lionel Messi -- after shooting at a business owned by his family in Argentina.
It happened in the town of Rosario in Santa Fe province, where the city's mayor says two people on motorcycles opened fire at a supermarket Thursday morning.
The front of the building was hit by 14 bullets, and the hand-written note left behind read: "Messi, we are waiting for you."
It went on to say the city's mayor, Pablo Javkin, is a "narco" who will not take care of him.

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