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外研版六年级下册英语Reading For Pleasure部分课文翻译

时间:2016-03-16 分类:外研版六年级下册英语课文翻译 来源:试卷网|故事网|作文网 0条评论

1The Bear,the Tall Man and the Short Man部分翻译

One day,a short man saw a tall man on a bridge.“Where are you going?”asked the tall a man.“l'm going to the city,”answered the short man.“l'm going to the city too,”said。the tall man.“How are you going to get there?”“l'm going to take this road,”answered the short man.“I know away through the forest,”said the tall man.“But there are lots of bears in the forest.”said the short man.“We can go together,”said the tall man.So the short man and the tall man walked through the forest.

一天,一个矮个子男人在桥上看见了一个高个子男人。“你将要去哪里?”高个子男人问。“我将要去城市。”矮个子男人回答。“我也将要去城市。”高个子男人说。“你将要怎么到达那里?”“我将要走这条 路。”矮个子男人回答。“我知道一条穿过森林的路。”高个子男人说。“但是森林里有很多熊。”矮个子男人说。“我们可以一起走。”高个子男人说。因此矮个子男人和高个子男人步行穿过森林。

After some time,they heard a noise.“What's that?”asked the short man.“lthink it's a bear,”said the tall man.“l'm afraid,”said the short man.“Don't worry,”said the tall man.“l know what to do.”Then they walked on,but again they heard a noise.“I know that's a bear,”said the short man.“Don't worry.”said, the tall man.“l know what to do.”


Later on,they heard a noise again.This time it was a roar.“Look!l can see a bear,”said the short man.“So can I.”said the tall man.“But it doesn't see us.”“What can we do?” asked the short man.“Let's climb this tree,”said the tall man and he climbed quickly up .nto the tree.

随后,他们又听到了一个声音。这次是一声吼叫。“看!我可以看见一只熊。” 矮个子男人说。“我也能。”高个子男人说,“但是它看不见我们。”“我们能做什么?”矮个子男人问。“让我们爬上这棵树吧。”高个子男人说,并且他快速地爬上了树。

But the short man couldn't climb the tree. “Please help me,”he called.But the tall man was silent.The bear roared again.“Oh no!”thought the short man.“What can I do?I can't run away or the bear will see me and eat me.”So he lay down.He was verk still and very quiet.

但是矮个子男人不会爬树。“请帮助我。”他喊道。但是高个子男人沉默了。那 只熊又一次吼叫。“哦,不!矮个子男人想,“我能做什么?我不能跑开,否则那只熊就会看见我并且吃掉我。因此他躺下了,他一动不动并且非常安静。

After some time,the bear came.lt saw the short man.lt walked round him,but the short man didn't move.The bear walked round the short man again,but he still didn't move.Fi-nally,the bear went away.The short man looked up into the tree.The tall man came down.“What happened?”he asked.“That bear walked round you.”“Yes,it did.And it said something to me,”answered the short man.“What did it say?”asked the tall man.


“Well,”answered the short man,‘‘the bear said,‘He is a ver}t tall man but he is not a very good friend.A good friend will help you when you are.n trouble!”’

“哎,”矮个子男人回答,“那只熊说:‘他是一个非常高的男人,但是他不是一个非常好的朋友。好朋友将会在你遇到麻烦 的时候帮助你!’”

roar吼叫 Please help me!谙帮助我!

Word List单词表

answer回答 quickly快地,迅速地

road路,道路 call大声说出;(向某人)喊叫

through穿过,通过 silent沉默的,无声的

forest森林 thought(think的过去式)想,认为

heard(hear的过去式)听见 still静止的,不动的

noise声音,声响 move移动

:afraid害怕的,恐惧的 finally最后,终于

later on以后,过后,后来 trouble困难,麻烦

2Mind Map Book部分翻译

In September,Lily and her friends are going to a new school.


“What's it going to be like?"Lily asked."Dif-ferent,l think,"said Anne.i'My elder brother and sister are there.”“Interesting," said Jim.!“l'm going to study Science and French.” “l'm afraid,"said Kate.l~The new school is very big.We could get lost.”“1 want to do well,"said Jack.l~l'm going to study a lot and。 learn lots of new things."


“Don't worry," said a voice behind them.already at the new school. Everyone looked round.lt was Ellie,She was


“l've got this book.lt's a book of maps.lt。 helps me with my schoolwork.”

“我有这本书。它是一本地图册。它 在我的作业方面帮助我。”

“Maps?"said Jim,"Maps are good for Geography.They help you find places.But how can they help you with schoolwork?”


Not that sort of map,"Ellie laughed."These are called.mind maps'.Look at this one.”


Everyone looked.


"This mind map helps me remember my friends' names.


I write the names and draw pictures,Then I can remember.


“So these are pictures of your friends with their names,"said Jack.


That's right.l remember Ben because he'sgot red hair.And I remember Mary because she's got blue eyes."


“That's a good idea,"said Lily."What's this map for?”


“This one is for shapes,"said日lie.


“And this one is for English verbs.”


“That's a great idea,Ellie.l'm going to make:


a mind map book right away,"said Lily.


“Me too,"said Kate.


“So am l,"said Jack."What about you,Jim?”:


“l've got a mind map,"said Jim.liLook!”


“Wow! lt's a shopping list,"said Jack.


“That's right,"said Jim,lll'm going to buy these


things at the supermarket on my way home.”


Shopping List


Word List单词表

elder年纪较大的 circle圆形

v01ce说话声,嗓音 heart心形物

already已经 triangle三角形

schoolwork作业 verb动词


regular verbs规则动词

mind思想,头脑;思维方式 irregular verbs不规则动词

shape形状 right away立刻



3The Elephant and the Spider部分翻译

It was afternoon in the forest.The sun was.behind the trees.The animals were quiet.They were waiting for the sun to go down.


There was an old spider.Slowly she worked: on.a web.lt was a very large web.The spider!made the web between two trees.The web.was silver and gold in the evening sun.The spider worked,and the sun set.Night came.


Nearby,an old elephant was dyng.He walked slowly,swinging his old trunk.Then the elephant slept.


At night,the spider worked.Other animals:watched her.There were night birds that did,not sleep.There was a snake in a tree.A little mouse looked up at the beautiful web,silver and gold in the moonlight.


“Why are you working at night?”they asked.“The other spiders are sleeping.”“You can see,”said the spider.“This is going to be the most beautiful web.”“lt's ver}t large,”said the mouse.“№flies are that large,”said the‘snake.“l don't want to catch a fly,'’said the spider.


There was a small,black bird in a tree above the web.“So,what are you going to catch in your web?”she asked.“l'm going to catch an elephant,”said the spider. All the animals laughed and laughed.The spider worked and worked. In the morning,the sun came up slowlylt.



shone on the web.The web was beautiful in the sunlight.


The elephant woke up and moved slowly.He was looking for a place to die.The bird watched from the branch. The snake watched from the tree.The mouse did not move.The spider stayed at the edge of her web.and waited.


The elephant walked.nto the sunlight and he saw the web.The web was very colourful.lt was blue and silver,purple and gold,yellow,orange and green.


“This,”thought the elephant,“is beautiful.’The animals watched in silence.The elephant lay down and the spider's web fell over him.“So,”said the spider,“I caught an elephant.And now l need to sleep.’’Later.n the day,people came into the forest. There they found a dead elephant.And next to the elephant was a small spider.


Word List单词表

spider蜘蛛 moonlight月光

slowly缓慢地 most最

web蜘蛛网 fly苍蝇

large大的 that这么,那么

silver银白色的 catch捕捉

gold金黄色的,金色的 shone(shine的过去式)(太阳)发光,照耀

set(太阳)落下,落山 sunlight阳光

nearby在附近 woke(wake的过去式)醒

dying垂死的,即将死亡的 die死,去世

swing摇摆,摆动 branch树枝

trunk象鼻 edge边缘

slept(sleep的过去式)睡,睡觉 silence寂静,无声

other别的,其他的 lay(lie的过去式)躺,平卧

night夜晚活动的 lie down躬下

mouse老鼠 caught(catch的过去式)捕捉

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