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译林版八年级下册英语Unit4 Task课文翻译

时间:2016-03-16 分类:译林版八年级下册英语课文翻译 来源:试卷网|故事网|作文网 0条评论

1A 部分翻译

A survey on reading habits


Mr Wu wants to find out about his students reading habits. He drafted the following questions for the survey. Complete it with your own information.


1 How much time do you spend reading each week?


a Less than l hour. 不到1个小时。

b 1-2 hours. 1-2个小时。

c 3-4 hours. 3-4个小时。

d More than 4 hours. 4个小时以上。

2 When do you usually read books?


a Any time I can. 任何我能读的时候。

b Every night. 每天晚上。

c At weekends. 在周末。

d During holidays. 在假期中。

3 What is your favourite type of book?


a Novel.小说.

b Science.科学。

c History.历史。

d Travel. 旅行。

Other: 其他:

4 How do you get most of your books?


a Borrow from libraries. 从图书馆借。

b Buy at bookshops. 在书店买。

c Borrow from friends. 从朋友处借。

d Receive as gifts. 作为礼物收到。

5 Why do you usually read?


a To relax. 为了放松。

b To improve my knowledge. 为了增长我的知识。

c To collect information for a report. 为了收集信息写报告。

d Because someone has recommended a book. 因为有人推荐了一本书。

6 Who do you usually ask for advice on books?


a Teachers. 老师。

b Parents.父母。

c Friends.朋友。

d Librarians 图书管理员。

2Useful expressions部分翻译

Useful expressions 有用的表达

I spend...hours a week reading.


On weekdays,I usually...


I...at the weekencd.


I am interestedirL...books. My favourite book is...


I get most of my books from...


My friend(s)/teacher(s) often...


I love reading because...


3B 部分翻译

Millie is writing about her reading habits. Here is her report.


My reading habits


Ilove reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. On weekdays,I usually read for about half an hour before going to bed. I read a lot at the weekend. I am interested in history books, but I like novels best. The four great classical Chinese novels are my favourite.


I get most of my books from Sunshine Library-it is just opposite my home. My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read.


Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books are good friends. They help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me.


4C 部分翻译

Write a report on your own reading habits. You can make some notes to organize your ideas first. Use Millie's report in Part B as a model.


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